Browse Honorary Degrees and Awards
Displaying 521 - 530 of 2499
Nair, Kunhiraman P. K. Professor Emeritus
Awarded at the 2000 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony A |
Shyu, Lawrence Professor Emeritus
Awarded at the 2000 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony B |
Smith, Beverley Professor Emeritus
Awarded at the 2000 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony B |
Venart, James Professor Emeritus
Awarded at the 2000 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony C |
Surtees, Allison Louise Alumni Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1999 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony B |
Unger, Israel Dean Emeritus
Awarded at the 1999 Fredericton Convocation |
Wasson, Dana Dean Emeritus
Awarded at the 1999 Fredericton Convocation |
MacGillivray, William Joseph Douglas Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1999 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony B |
Both, Lily Dr. Allan P. Stuart Memorial for Excellence in Teaching
Awarded at the 1999 Saint John Convocation |
McDonnell, Paul Dr. Allan P. Stuart Memorial for Excellence in Teaching
Awarded at the 1999 Fredericton Convocation |