Browse Honorary Degrees and Awards
Displaying 2011 - 2020 of 2499
Arthurs, Charles Murray Glendon Governor General’s Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1931 Fredericton Encaenia |
Parlee, Rutherford Justice Ketchum Silver Medal
Awarded at the 1931 Fredericton Encaenia |
McKiel, William LeBaron Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick’s Silver Medal
Awarded at the 1931 Fredericton Encaenia |
Sisam, John William Bernard Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick’s Silver Medal
Awarded at the 1931 Fredericton Encaenia |
Baird, Edgar Marshall Montgomery-Campbell Prize
Awarded at the 1931 Fredericton Encaenia |
Baird, Edgar Marshall Alumni Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1930 Fredericton Encaenia |
Tweeddale, Charles Frederick City of Fredericton Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1930 Fredericton Encaenia |
Hanson, Horace Allen Douglas Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1930 Fredericton Encaenia |
Fraser, Donald Blake Governor General’s Gold Medal
Awarded at the 1930 Fredericton Encaenia |
Anglin, Francis A. LL.D.
Honorary Degree
Awarded at the 1930 Fredericton Encaenia |