1956 Fredericton Encaenia
Wallace, Dyson Walker
Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
Orator: Cattley, Robert E.D.
Image Caption
L to R: Colin B. Mackay, Dyson Walker Wallace
Second Image Caption
Source: UA PC-4 no.6x
to be Doctor of Laws
Dyson Walker Wallace was born of New Brunswick parents and took his schooling in Fredericton. He gained his B.A. with list class Honours in Classics in 1916 and his M.A. in Economics and Philosophy in 1922. In the interval he had served with Canadian Forces overseas.
After holding two school principalships he joined the staff of the then Normal School in 1924, and after a long term as second in command became last year Principal of what is now Teachers' College.
If a good Classical scholar was lost to the schools, the teachers-in-training received a shrewd instructor in mathematical method. They came, furthermore, under the influence of an inspiring personality. Gifted with a highly alert mind and an irrepressible sense of humour, he wrote with a facile but exact use of words and had, and still has, the reputation, to which many a local committee will bear witness, for completing to the letter any task he undertook. The same devastating thoroughness went into his sports, his music and his hobbies.
Wallace will always be remembered as the chairman of the first committee which inaugurated the Living Endowment fund of the Associated Alumni. For which and for his many sterling qualities and present responsible position his Alma Mater gratefully bestows on him this timely mark of her esteem.
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
to be Doctor of Laws
Dyson Walker Wallace was born of New Brunswick parents and took his schooling in Fredericton. He gained his B.A. with list class Honours in Classics in 1916 and his M.A. in Economics and Philosophy in 1922. In the interval he had served with Canadian Forces overseas.
After holding two school principalships he joined the staff of the then Normal School in 1924, and after a long term as second in command became last year Principal of what is now Teachers' College.
If a good Classical scholar was lost to the schools, the teachers-in-training received a shrewd instructor in mathematical method. They came, furthermore, under the influence of an inspiring personality. Gifted with a highly alert mind and an irrepressible sense of humour, he wrote with a facile but exact use of words and had, and still has, the reputation, to which many a local committee will bear witness, for completing to the letter any task he undertook. The same devastating thoroughness went into his sports, his music and his hobbies.
Wallace will always be remembered as the chairman of the first committee which inaugurated the Living Endowment fund of the Associated Alumni. For which and for his many sterling qualities and present responsible position his Alma Mater gratefully bestows on him this timely mark of her esteem.
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
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