1958 Fredericton Convocation
Rousseau, Louis-Zephrin
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
Orator: Cattley, Robert E.D.
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L to R: John George Diefenbaker, John Sutherland Bonnell, John Darley Braithwaite Harrison, Louis-Zephrin Rousseau
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Source: UA PC-5 no.3(3); Photo by Harvey Studios
to be Doctor of Science
The Dean -- let me add, the beloved Dean -- of Surveying and Forestry at Laval University, respected though he is by all his fellows, is nevertheless venerated like a High Priest in his native Province of Quebec. No work in forestry is there contemplated, much less undertaken, without his advice or the benefit of his auspices.
So dedicated is he to Sylvanus that he has sacrificed two of his three sons and his only daughter to that Forester's deity.
His other family, to which he adds vigorously every year, is that of his adoring pupils whom, with the wisdom of a parent he sends forth from their sheltered but up-to-date nursery into the wider world, and with whom, like a loving father, he keeps up a heartening and sagacious correspondence.
A leader in both national and provincial forest research, an instructor whose most formal lectures are seasoned with sel gaulois, he is as loyal a friend and as bounteous a benefactor to those in trouble, as he is daemonic an opponent and trenchant a denouncer in public of things professional with which he does not agree.
Monsieur le Doyen,
Bien que vous soyez déjà Docteur, veuiliez recevoir de l'Université de Nouveau-Brunswick le grade unique qu'elle offre à ces hommes et ces femmes distingués qui ont rendu des services les plus méritoires aux sciences naturelles.
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
to be Doctor of Science
The Dean -- let me add, the beloved Dean -- of Surveying and Forestry at Laval University, respected though he is by all his fellows, is nevertheless venerated like a High Priest in his native Province of Quebec. No work in forestry is there contemplated, much less undertaken, without his advice or the benefit of his auspices.
So dedicated is he to Sylvanus that he has sacrificed two of his three sons and his only daughter to that Forester's deity.
His other family, to which he adds vigorously every year, is that of his adoring pupils whom, with the wisdom of a parent he sends forth from their sheltered but up-to-date nursery into the wider world, and with whom, like a loving father, he keeps up a heartening and sagacious correspondence.
A leader in both national and provincial forest research, an instructor whose most formal lectures are seasoned with sel gaulois, he is as loyal a friend and as bounteous a benefactor to those in trouble, as he is daemonic an opponent and trenchant a denouncer in public of things professional with which he does not agree.
Monsieur le Doyen,
Bien que vous soyez déjà Docteur, veuiliez recevoir de l'Université de Nouveau-Brunswick le grade unique qu'elle offre à ces hommes et ces femmes distingués qui ont rendu des services les plus méritoires aux sciences naturelles.
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
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