1960 Fredericton Convocation
Robichaud, Louis Joseph
Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
Orator: Cattley, Robert E.D.
Image Caption
L to R: Louis Joseph Robichaud, Lord Beaverbrook
Second Image Caption
Source: UA PC-5 no.3b(6)
to be Doctor of Laws
Louis Robichaud is Canada's youngest Premier. It cannot surely tempt the Providence that has so guided this vigorous young man to congratulate him, two days in advance, on his 35th birthday! He is also the first Acadian to be elected, in open fight and thanks largely to his own indefatigable efforts, to head the Government of New Brunswick, a province which numbers almost as many French-speaking as English-speaking citizens.
It is the essence of good provincial government (as of all responsible government) that political parties must come and go; but of good education that the provincial University must continue steadfast in her way, a body above politics, and the particular care of each party, as of all.
The University of New Brunswick is proud to enrol provincial leaders among its honoured alumni.
No new Premier would wish to be praised for what he has not had time to attempt, but M. Robichaud has already gladdened all hearts by stating where he stands and what he stands for: "I am", he has publicly declared, "firstly a New Brunswicker, secondly, a supporter of the Atlantic Council, thirdly a Canadian and -- if anything of me is then left over -- only fourthly a Liberal".
Monsieur, le Premier Ministre:
Le compliment, que vous êtes sur le point de nous faire, en vous addressant à cet auditoire dans un anglais étincelant, je vous le rends dans un français de moindre éclat, en exprimant mon accord total avec vous, lorsque vous souhaitez qu'il n'y ait ni parti français ni anglais, mais plutôt une entente bilingue. Soyez assuré que tel est, et tel sera, l'idéal de notre système d'éducation, à la tête duquel l'Université du Nouveau Brunswick est fière de se
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
to be Doctor of Laws
Louis Robichaud is Canada's youngest Premier. It cannot surely tempt the Providence that has so guided this vigorous young man to congratulate him, two days in advance, on his 35th birthday! He is also the first Acadian to be elected, in open fight and thanks largely to his own indefatigable efforts, to head the Government of New Brunswick, a province which numbers almost as many French-speaking as English-speaking citizens.
It is the essence of good provincial government (as of all responsible government) that political parties must come and go; but of good education that the provincial University must continue steadfast in her way, a body above politics, and the particular care of each party, as of all.
The University of New Brunswick is proud to enrol provincial leaders among its honoured alumni.
No new Premier would wish to be praised for what he has not had time to attempt, but M. Robichaud has already gladdened all hearts by stating where he stands and what he stands for: "I am", he has publicly declared, "firstly a New Brunswicker, secondly, a supporter of the Atlantic Council, thirdly a Canadian and -- if anything of me is then left over -- only fourthly a Liberal".
Monsieur, le Premier Ministre:
Le compliment, que vous êtes sur le point de nous faire, en vous addressant à cet auditoire dans un anglais étincelant, je vous le rends dans un français de moindre éclat, en exprimant mon accord total avec vous, lorsque vous souhaitez qu'il n'y ait ni parti français ni anglais, mais plutôt une entente bilingue. Soyez assuré que tel est, et tel sera, l'idéal de notre système d'éducation, à la tête duquel l'Université du Nouveau Brunswick est fière de se
Cattley, Robert E.D. Honoris causa: the effervescences of a university orator. Fredericton: UNB Associated Alumnae, 1968.
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