1984 Saint John Spring Convocation

Valedictory Address

Delivered by: Clark, Kevin Arthur

“Valedictory”(1984):1-2. (UA Case 68, Box 1)

Madam Chancellor, Honored Guests, Members of the Faculty and Administration, Fellow Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen; Welcome and Good Afternoon.

I am honored to have been chosen to deliver this address. I know that there are many among you today who are better able and perhaps more deserving than I to be standing here. I want to thank you for allowing me this opportunity to give the farewell address, at this, the 10th Spring Convocation of the Saint John Campus.

In preparing this address I wanted to leave an important message with each of you. In the words of ________, “As you face each new tomorrow, may you find you’ll always be prepared to meet its challenge, use its opportunity. May you always have a dream to follow and wisdom’s light to guide you” and also remember to keep a positive outlook on life. Look for that light at the end of the Tunnel. We have come this far, through ups and downs and we must prepare to journey even further.

A positive attitude toward yourself and the things you attempt to do in life is the means to success. May the problems that seem so overwhelming and never-ending be overcome so that we will be able to look back on them with satisfaction, realizing we have met them with courage and strength.

No amount of luck can ever replace hard work and determination.

Always keep looking forward, taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves in life, never to let one go by.

Today is a day to reflect upon the accomplishments that we have made.

We who are graduating today have achieve one important goal in our lives. This is the foundation upon which to achieve even greater things that life has to offer.

I have enjoyed the past few years at U. N. B. S. J. and I am proud to have attended this institution of higher learning.

We must go forward to face new challenges, set new goals, and take advantage of the education that we have obtained thus far.

Graduation is a time to say farewell and to go our separate ways. Once again I feel privileged to have the honor of saying goodbye. It is not often that a student gets the opportunity to have the final word.

In closing; always remember to think positively, be patient and most important of all, be yourself.

Use the knowledge that we have gained throughout university; “Knowledge is the flame from which life’s brightest moments start. A flame within the mind that kindles joys within the heart”.

Let us leave now to seek even greater happiness.

To the Graduating Class of 1984 I bid you Farewell and Good Luck.

Thank You.

Addresses may be reproduced for research purposes only. Publication in whole or in part requires written permission from the author.