1985 Fredericton Convocation - Ceremony B

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Ritchie, Cedric E.

"UNB Speakers Express Confidence, Optimism" Daily Gleaner (21 October 1985): 21. (UA Case 69, Box 2)

Mr. Ritchie, meanwhile, whose convocation speech was essentially the same as a speech he delivered to UNB business students Friday, added more personal comments Sunday evening after accepting his honorary doctor of laws degree from UNB.

"I had a great privilege and opportunity of talking informally this past Friday with students, principally from the business administration program. If we can find time to spare about the future of this country, the time quite obviously is young people, educated, enthusiastic and concerned. That was the group I had the privilege to meet Friday."

The students talked about New Brunswick business success stories such as the founding of the McCain, Irving, Ganong and Fraser family industries.

Mr. Ritchie also discussed Lord Beaverbrook’s connections with the university and quoted author Stuart Trueman’s analysis of Lord Beaverbrook’s ability to inspire others to ever higher achievements.

"So in this bicentennial year, we do well to reflect upon individual achievement not simply because it is the metal that made this university strong or guaranteed the heritage of New Brunswickers, but much more, because it is the foundation upon which this region and this country will remain strong," he added.

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