1986 Fredericton Convocation - Ceremony A
Cambon, Eileen Nason, M.D.
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
Orator: Rowan, Donald F.
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L to R: Lady Violet Aitken, Eileen Nason Cambon M.D.
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Source: Joe Stone fonds-UA RG340, 1986 (#13766)
to be Doctor of Science
Eileen Cambon is already one of our own, but she has wandered some distance in the forty years since she received her Bachelor of Science degree. Although she has made her home in a city far to the west of these Maritimes, and, on her way to that other ocean which binds our shores, has passed through Vassar and McGill; Guyana, London and Texas, she is ever mindful of her roots and ties to this our Province.
She is most conscious of her debt to those who have gone before and she has written that she "was especially fortunate in having parents who believed in education; a father who was fifty years ahead of his time in his belief that girls should also have the opportunity for higher education. Without his unstinting help and encouragement I would never have made it into University and Medical School."
The founding of this University more than two hundred years ago was a direct result of the strong belief in education which has always been a vital part of our Maritime heritage. Eileen Cambon carries with her today the marks of that heritage - she is from a long line of New Brunswickers - Nasons, Stuarts, Stevens, Alexanders, Sinclairs and Craigs - all early settlers in this Province.
Always a brilliant student, she led the graduating class of Saint John High School and was offered scholarships to three universities. She chose us because she was proud to have had three uncles who distinguished themselves after graduating from the University of New Brunswick - Stanley S. Nason in Education in Montreal, Edwin Stuart in Medicine, a recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science from this University, Dr. Allan P. Stuart who is remembered by us all each year in the awards for Excellence in Teaching which are honoured with his name.
Her life has been one of service and concern for others, and in her address she plans to speak of those exciting, frustrating years for women when Mary Tibbits entered university, when all western countries were being stirred into action by the suffragists and the writings of John Stuart Mill. In her distinguished person she represents, and we seek to honour, all those women graduates of this University who have worked in so many fields in so many ways and who have contributed immeasurably to our Province and to our Country.
In sigigni ssirne Praeses, amplissima Cancellaria, tota Universitas, praesento vobis Elenam Nason Cambon ut admittatur honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Scientia in hac Universitate.
From: Honoris Causa - UA Case 70, Box 2
to be Doctor of Science
Eileen Cambon is already one of our own, but she has wandered some distance in the forty years since she received her Bachelor of Science degree. Although she has made her home in a city far to the west of these Maritimes, and, on her way to that other ocean which binds our shores, has passed through Vassar and McGill; Guyana, London and Texas, she is ever mindful of her roots and ties to this our Province.
She is most conscious of her debt to those who have gone before and she has written that she "was especially fortunate in having parents who believed in education; a father who was fifty years ahead of his time in his belief that girls should also have the opportunity for higher education. Without his unstinting help and encouragement I would never have made it into University and Medical School."
The founding of this University more than two hundred years ago was a direct result of the strong belief in education which has always been a vital part of our Maritime heritage. Eileen Cambon carries with her today the marks of that heritage - she is from a long line of New Brunswickers - Nasons, Stuarts, Stevens, Alexanders, Sinclairs and Craigs - all early settlers in this Province.
Always a brilliant student, she led the graduating class of Saint John High School and was offered scholarships to three universities. She chose us because she was proud to have had three uncles who distinguished themselves after graduating from the University of New Brunswick - Stanley S. Nason in Education in Montreal, Edwin Stuart in Medicine, a recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science from this University, Dr. Allan P. Stuart who is remembered by us all each year in the awards for Excellence in Teaching which are honoured with his name.
Her life has been one of service and concern for others, and in her address she plans to speak of those exciting, frustrating years for women when Mary Tibbits entered university, when all western countries were being stirred into action by the suffragists and the writings of John Stuart Mill. In her distinguished person she represents, and we seek to honour, all those women graduates of this University who have worked in so many fields in so many ways and who have contributed immeasurably to our Province and to our Country.
In sigigni ssirne Praeses, amplissima Cancellaria, tota Universitas, praesento vobis Elenam Nason Cambon ut admittatur honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Scientia in hac Universitate.
From: Honoris Causa - UA Case 70, Box 2
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