1995 Saint John Spring Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Lambert, Phyllis B.

"Don’t forget human connections, architect tells UNBSJ gradutes" Telegraph-Journal (27 May 1995). (UA Case 67, Box 3)

Graduating students of the University of New Brunswick in Saint John walked away from the campus yesterday with a message not to forsake the value of human connections in an increasingly technological age.

Prominent Montreal architect Phyllis Lambert, in her convocation address, warned the 234 graduates not to allow their love affair with computers to cloud their own ability to think clearly.

Nurturing the human mind so they can continue to ask provocative questions about life is far more important than the razzle dazzle of high-tech gizmos, said Dr. Lambert who was presented with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

"Today, as we all know, information is widely accessible, its diffusion instantaneous. But faced with a plethora of information and distraction, in order to work creatively, we must find the direction we wish to go within ourselves.

"To do so requires that we ask meaningful questions of ourselves."

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