1990 Fredericton Convocation

Lane, Lauriat, Jr.


Lauriat Lane Jr.
Professor Emeritus in English 
Convocation: 14 October 1990

Lauriat Lane was born in Boston, Mass., and attended Harvard University where he earned a BA, an MA and a PhD in English.

He taught at both Harvard and Cornell universities before coming to the University of New Brunswick in 1960. An active and productive scholar, Dr. Lane won considerable recognition and wide respect through his numerous publications, including four books. 

He has been called upon to adjudicate doctoral and research grants for the Canada Council, assess manuscripts for prestigious academic journals, and serve on such distinguished academic bodies as the Dickens Concordance Committee and the national executive of the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1980.

As the first editor of English Studies in Canada, Dr. Lane helped launch and shape a leading Canadian journal of literary criticism.

In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Lane served on many departmental, faculty and university committees at UNB and as chairperson of the English department and associate dean of graduate studies. He retired in July 1990.

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