1970 Fredericton Convocation

Wilson, James Harold

Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)

Orator: Condon, Thomas J.

Image Caption
L to R: Sir Max Aitken, James Harold Wilson
Second Image Caption
Source: UA PC-5 no.12(22); Photo by Stone's Studio


to be Doctor of Laws

Oxford don and prime minister in the past, chancellor of the University of Bradford and leader of Her Majesty’s opposition in the present, the Rt. Hon. Harold Wilson has engaged life directly in all his endeavors through the application of his formidable intellect to the intractable problems of our times. Public life constitutes an uneven contest at best and Harold Wilson has given and taken, won and lost. But through it all, whether in power or in opposition, he has been a presence to be underestimated only at peril.

His years as prime minister were difficult ones for Britain but he lent his strength and courage, his wisdom and determination to the nation even as his illustrious predecessors before him. Tapping the proverbial capacity for endurance of the British people he urged his party and people to the long view while leading them deftly but firmly though an austerity expected by all but desired by none. The result was that once again Britain saw it through.

Political leader, social economist, writer, and at times caustic wit, Mr. Wilson saw Number 10 Downing Street as a child and dreamed. One can only wonder what other sights and dreams he has had for clearly he is a long way from retirement.

From: Honoris Causa - UA Case70, Box 1

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