1972 Fredericton Convocation

Robichaud, Hedard Joseph

Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)

Orator: Condon, Thomas J.

Image Caption
L to R: Hedard Joseph Robichaud, Sir Max Aitken
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Source: PR 7108


to be Doctor of Laws

In his capacity as Visitor to the University on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour graced our proceedings last year at Convocation, -- on very short notice since he had been in office less than a fortnight -- and again at Encaenia this year. We are pleased to honour him today, for as a University of many “firsts” ourself we can especially appreciate this man of many “firsts” who now stands before us.

From the small fishing village of Shippegan, Hedard Robichaud set out on a course that led him to become the first Director of Fisheries for the Province of New Brunswick and ultimately to become the spokesmen for the concerns of all Canadian fishermen as Minister of Fisheries in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Pearson. For many men this would have been public career enough. But in 1968 His Honour accepted appointment to the Senate of Canada and became one of the most energetic members of that distinguished body, serving on the Special Committee on Science Policy and the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. In the fall of 1971 he was faced with a difficult choice, not of whether to answer the call of public service but of how best to serve the twin calls of Country and Province. He resigned his membership in the Senate and accepted the office of Lieutenant Governor of this Province of New Brunswick, becoming the first Acadian to hold this high office.

A warm and friendly man, he has brought to his new office his fabled energy, his common touch, and, to our great fortune, his charming wife. We salute a native son, a distinguished Acadian, a Canadian for our times.

Praeses admittit Hedard J. Robichaud honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Utroque Jure.

From: Honoris Causa - UA Case 70, Box 1

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