1986 Fredericton Convocation - Ceremony A
Butler, Edith, O. C.
Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.)
Orator: Rowan, Donald F.
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L to R: Lady Violet Aitken, Dr. James Downey, Edith, O. C. Butler
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Source: Joe Stone fonds-UA RG340, 1986 (#13766)
to be Doctor of Letters
Each Convocation is a festival occasion during which we celebrate the achievements of those who will be graduating today and leaving the University fold, as well as those men and women from outside the University whom we seek to honour by making them one of our own, by welcoming them into the fold. At such times it is right and proper to remember as well those who have gone before, and it is now one hundred years since Mary K. Tibbits became the first woman to be admitted to the University of New Brunswick.
We honour and remember her pioneering courage in the three distinguished women who are with us today. Each in her own way epitomizes the spirit of Mary Tibbits, and each in her own way has contributed to the remarkable century of progress which has brought us to this day in our unfolding history, a day in which we celebrate the special qualities of women and at the same time recognize them as full and equal partners in everything we do.
In Edith Butler, whom we welcome today, we applaud not only her international achievements as "chanteuse formidable," but we recognize as well - and perhaps above all else - the fact that she is an Acadian, a proud representative of one of the founding races of this Province. She has championed and advanced the cause of Acadian culture throughout the world, and in her own way this phenomenon - who has been called in a memorable phrase "Le Party d'Edith" has done much to remind the people of this Province of their bicultural roots, and to take pride in their dual heritage.
Born in Paquetville, New Brunswick, she is "une femme qui vient du froid mais grace à son charme, sa douceur, sa joie de vivre nous communique sa chaleur à travers ses gigues, ses chansons folkloriques sur une musique rock." A graduate of our sister Université d' Moncton, she has been honoured by that University with a Doctor of Music, and by her country as an Officer of the Order of Canada. We seek to make her one of our own today.
Insignissime Praeses, Amplissima Cancellaria, tota Universitas, praesento vobis Editham Butler ut admittatur honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Litteris in hac Universitate.
From: Honoris Causa - UA Case 70, Box 2
to be Doctor of Letters
Each Convocation is a festival occasion during which we celebrate the achievements of those who will be graduating today and leaving the University fold, as well as those men and women from outside the University whom we seek to honour by making them one of our own, by welcoming them into the fold. At such times it is right and proper to remember as well those who have gone before, and it is now one hundred years since Mary K. Tibbits became the first woman to be admitted to the University of New Brunswick.
We honour and remember her pioneering courage in the three distinguished women who are with us today. Each in her own way epitomizes the spirit of Mary Tibbits, and each in her own way has contributed to the remarkable century of progress which has brought us to this day in our unfolding history, a day in which we celebrate the special qualities of women and at the same time recognize them as full and equal partners in everything we do.
In Edith Butler, whom we welcome today, we applaud not only her international achievements as "chanteuse formidable," but we recognize as well - and perhaps above all else - the fact that she is an Acadian, a proud representative of one of the founding races of this Province. She has championed and advanced the cause of Acadian culture throughout the world, and in her own way this phenomenon - who has been called in a memorable phrase "Le Party d'Edith" has done much to remind the people of this Province of their bicultural roots, and to take pride in their dual heritage.
Born in Paquetville, New Brunswick, she is "une femme qui vient du froid mais grace à son charme, sa douceur, sa joie de vivre nous communique sa chaleur à travers ses gigues, ses chansons folkloriques sur une musique rock." A graduate of our sister Université d' Moncton, she has been honoured by that University with a Doctor of Music, and by her country as an Officer of the Order of Canada. We seek to make her one of our own today.
Insignissime Praeses, Amplissima Cancellaria, tota Universitas, praesento vobis Editham Butler ut admittatur honoris causa ad gradum Doctoris in Litteris in hac Universitate.
From: Honoris Causa - UA Case 70, Box 2
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