1917 Fredericton Encaenia

Alumni Oration

Delivered by: Carter, William Samuel


"Alumni Oration" University Monthly 36, 7 (May 1917): 202. (UA Case 67a, Box 1)

Hon. J. D. Hazen was selected to give this oration, but having been obliged to be absent, he sent the following telegram, which Dr. White read to the assembly: "Only arrived here from England today, and regret that I cannot attend the Encaenia."

Dr. W. S. Carter, Chief Superintendent of Education, then gave a short but interesting address on Greater Food Production. In the course of his remarks he pointed out that:

"All the Universities in England and the United States were doing all in their power to increase the food supply. The University of New Brunswick had contributed more than one-half of its students to the cause and now more men were being asked for in the field. The young men who have volunteered for the front have dropped all their pleasures, and when they come back, perhaps handicapped, and ask the boys who stayed what they have done in aiding this struggle, what will they say?

Many lessons can be learned from this war in self-sacrifice. The public will have to abandon a great many things that were thought necessary. All classes of society are doing their bit and the public must enlist their services. After the war is over, with victory for the Allies, the women will be recognized as having played an important part by taking the men's places everywhere. Dr. Carter asked the men as to what part they were going to take in increased production, and to consider it well. It was not necessary to work for nothing, as workers would receive a reasonable wage."

He closed by congratulating Dr. Jones and the Graduating Class on the work completed.


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