1959 Fredericton Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Mackay, John Keiller

"Graduates Urged to Set High Objectives" (October 1959). (UA Case 69, Box 1)

"All that man has done is as nothing compared with what he is destined yet to achieve," Hon. J. Keiller Mackay told graduates and students of the University of New Brunswick in delivering the main address at yesterday’s Fall Convocation here.

The lieutenant-governor of Ontario, one of two who received honorary doctorates before a large and distinguished gathering in the Lady Beaverbrook Rink, exhorted each student to work hard to become "all that he was created capable of being."

"The shirker continues to shirk and gets nowhere; the worker continues to work and becomes a leader in his chosen avenue of life’s activities," he said.

"Repel with your whole soul the iniquitous doctrine that distinction, even greatness, is not now to be attained, that there are precedents for everything and that there remains nothing but imitation," continued Lieutenant-Governor Mackay. "Think rather that nothing is done while anything remains yet to do. Reply upon it, all that man has done is as nothing compared with what he is destined yet to achieve. An objective which yesterday was invisible is his goal today, and will be his starting point tomorrow."

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