1978 Saint John Spring Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Ford, William L.

"100 UNBSJ Graduates Told: Guard the Environment" Telegraph-Journal (20 May 1978). (UA Case 67, Box 2)

Dr. William L. Ford, the director-general of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, N.S., and the recipient yesterday of an honorary doctor of science degree at the convocation exercises at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, exhorted the 110 graduates to develop an environmental ethic.

Dr. Ford said he chose to share with the graduates the conviction which he has acquired through his involvement in natural science.

He said, "This is the conviction that the environmental ethic must occupy a central place in the future of mankind as we proceed on through space in that big spaceship we know as Planet Earth."

He said that due to technological and scientific development, "Man is suddenly confronted with the fact that he is exerting massive pressures on and playing a dominating role in the eco-system. Uncontrolled this leads to deprivation and disaster. Therefore, to survive, man must manage his eco-system wisely; Nature cannot do it for us."

Dr. Ford said to the graduates, "I suggest to you that there is not much time, perhaps only a couple of generations, in which to see the environmental ethic become a really significant factor in social behavior if the life support systems of earth are to provide the quality of life to which we aspire. Not only is time short but there are not enough leaders in this field.

"This leadership must come in large measure from you and all the other graduating classes across the country."

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