1991 Saint John Spring Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Ogilvie, Kelvin Kenneth

"Canada must identify objective, grads told" Telegraph-Journal (25 May 1991). (UA Case 67, Box 2)

Canada should be a world leader in waste management technology in the 21st century, Dr. Kelvin Ogilvie told University of New Brunswick in Saint John graduates Friday.

"Canada must identify a national objective to serve to mobilize Canadian society toward the world of the future, which will be rooted in knowledge-based industries," Ogilvie said.

(Reporter’s remarks omitted)

Ogilvie said all Canadian, not just scientists, must recognize the importance of integrating science and technology into society, rather than trading natural resources.

"We cut more trees than any other country in the world, but we don’t make chainsaws," Ogilvie said. "We must become scientifically bilingual if business is to find what it needs."

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