1992 Saint John Spring Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Kashetsky, Herzl J.

"Graduates told to keep idealism" Telegraph-Journal (30 May 1992). (UA Case 67, Box 2)

Creativity is "the most coveted thing in the world," graduates at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John’s spring convocation were told yesterday by Saint John artists Herzl Kashetsky.

"Hold on to your keenness, your inquiring minds, your idealism. It is your idealism that can bring about change, and only change creates progress," Kashetsky told them after receiing an honorary doctorate in the ceremony.

"You are the ones to help this world become a better place."

Kashetsky’s light and imaginative presentation warning graduates to "never lose your imagination," included banding his face in a blue silk sash to mock the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while he talked about traveling to Florence and Rome to study renaissance artists Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello.

In describing how his art stems from "how I look at things," he put on fake eye glasses with rubber nose.

He told them to never stop learning, and never to stop expanding their good qualities.

"I see myself like a house plant growing, where every new painting is like a new leaf. Completion is never reached, it is just a continued state of growth."

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