1995 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony C

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Aksaranan, Chokchai

"Encaenia Address by Dr. Chokchai Aksaranan, Ceremony C." (25 May 1995). (UA Case 67, Box 3)

Presidentm Honorables, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am most pleased and privileged to be among a big crowd of academicians and distinguished guests gathering here today. It is the day that I, as the graduate of this university, can look back to the distant past of my life as well as to look to the future of what I can do to contribute to the mutual benefits, progress and developments of the two countries, Thailand and Canada in terms of bilateral socio-economic co-operation.

Being an old student of this beloved higher learning institution of Canada, I am proud and pleased to be back again to my "old home" where I can recall many recollections of my old days here.

Particularly, I owe a lot of gratitude to the nominating committee and the Board of Governors of the University of New Brunswick for kindly resolving to confer on me the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa today.

I left this University with the Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1972. It has been 23 long years to practice my profession and made myself useful to the development of Thailand and the promotion of international business partnerships. I feel my life and my success in the earlier years can hardly bear prolific fruits if I did not have my Canadian advisor, friends and associates in Canada and in particular those in this University who greatly helped turn me into what I am today.

I wish to pay tribute to all their meritorious deeds that will engrave in my memory throughout my life, especially the brotherhood and partnership, among others I would register with deep gratitude are my professors, Dr. David R. Morris and Dr. Frank R. Stewart, and those at the Chemical Engineering department at UNB, who are also in favour and support in the nomination for the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa I am earning from this University.

The fact that the various contributions and achievements I have made during those solid 23 years confirms my belief that the University of New Brunswick has done the most marvelous task and fulfill its excellent standard of the world higher learning institution which enables its graduate to consistently contribute to the world development.

I wish to say that the achievement I have reached until today is, in fact, the excellent indicator of the good work of all my professors and lecturers whose professionalism and expertise have followed along the good heritage of the University of New Brunswick.

Twenty three years have rolled on before I receive the honorary Doctor degree today and they are all the challenging years of work and I found them to be the most valuable part of my life.

From the lecturing career at home to the exciting new world of business development in the private sector of Thailand, I found that I have moved from one end to another with endless achievements. Along the way, I have stepped into the real world of internationalism and the regional cooperation in trade, industry, investment, technical assistance and technology transfer within to sphere of ASEAN private sector.

It seemed that a lot of my energies, devotion and my profile as the "son" of the University of New Brunswick have been put to work fairly well to bring my leadership and ability to help with the initiative and development of the ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry known as the ASEAN CCI which involves as well the works covering among many third country dialogues – the ASEAN-Canada Business Council.

The private sector of ASEAN, as all of you may have learnt, has been well maintained in its capacity as a united force which fuels the high growth of ASEAN. It also took initiative to run the ASEAN region as the ASEAN Free Trade Area or AFTA in my time when I served my term as the President of ASEAN-CCI in 1991-1993.

On the bilateral scene, I took pride in the achievements which I believe to be made up from my academic career here. I was able to bring in from my international experience I had with this University to initiate the setting up of Thai-Canadian business partnership to sign the Co-operative agreement between the Canadian Manufacturers Association and the Federation of Thai Industries which has served as a good linkage between the business and industrial communities of the two nations across the Pacific and also more significantly as an important link between the NAFTA and AFTA. Later on, I have been able to help contribute to the Thai mission to Canada headed by the Prime Minister of Thailand visiting Canada and many other friends in different parts of the globe when I led the private sector members in the mission.

In my performance as a business diplomat for Thailand, I am proud of my faith and wisdom which were built up from my education and training here in this famous University in the North American region and hence also of the world.

On the national scene, my devotion to strengthen the private sector of Thailand has also brought me in to help the country’s setting up of many focal organizations doing various jobs for the contribution of country’s industrial development and technological co-operation. This includes the running and establishment of the Federation of Thai Industries for which I am current Chairman, the Institute of Technology to produce engineers of excellence which are much in need in Thailand, the operation of CIDA-JSCCIB scheme for venture capital to help the SME’s throughout Thailand, and currently also the effort to establish the Food Development Centres for researching and testing of products in the food industry which will be extended into many other industries, as the industrial institution for selected industries in Thailand which will be an important arm to help develop industries in the healthy, sustainable and competitive fashion.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am sure today is not only the great day for myself. Because it is the day many colleagues and associates, my family and also the members of the private sectors of Thailand and ASEAN as well as many other international friends can share with me in the pride of the new achievement as being culminated in the conferring of Doctor of Science, honoris causa on me.

The recognition and the honour your honorables and all dignified administrators, professors, and the Board of Governors have vests in me will be long remembered. The rewarding experience will be an inspiration for me to work harder and contribute more and better the promotion of the international business developments under the emerging new economic order brought out by the world liberalized trade which we all are moving in.

I would like once again to say that I am deeply grateful for the honor and recognition you all have given me. It will be an unforgettable experience which I will cherish throughout my life. Last but not least, may I wish you all every success, progress and happiness in your deliberation and lasting partnership between Canada and Thailand.

Addresses may be reproduced for research purposes only. Publication in whole or in part requires written permission from the author.