1999 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony A

Valedictory Address

Delivered by: McMillan, Jessica

“Valedictory Address” (19 May 1999): 1-4. (UA Case 68, Box 2)

Your Honor, your Royal Highnesses, Mr. Chancellor, Madam President, Honored guests, parents, family, friends, and most especially, fellow graduates:

UNB has been home to many of us. We have spent the last 4 or 5 years studying, cheering on our athletic teams, checking out that cute guy or girl across the S.U.B., and going out to the Social Club or Upper Deck. It seems unbelievable that the long list of memories that we have been collecting over the past few years will complete after today. We are all heading to different parts of the country and world with different goals and aspirations, but there is no denying that we will achieve great things in the real world, just as we have here at UNB.

We are special; we are the last to graduate at Encaenia in the 1900’s. We are privileged to have an opportunity to make a difference in the new millennium. Change, innovation, and uniqueness will be required in the rapidly approaching year 2000. Our fresh faces and ideas will not only be welcomed, but will be sought after. We should all look forward to the future and be confident in our abilities as individuals-UNB has taught us what we need to be prosperous.

What have we gained from our time at UNB? Well, the list is long, and I though that the easiest way to answer this question was through dissecting the letters UNB. The “U” in UNB represents our UNIQUE EXPERIENCES which all began Frosh Week, four years ago. As mom and dad dropped us off, some of us were singing Hallelujahs for our newly found freedom while others of us were curled up in the fetal position in the back seat of the car, scared to leave the safety and comfort of home. Eventually, we all found our own group of friends and activities that we enjoyed. Some of us became members of our very successful athletic teams, which have brought us home many championships, including the national men’s hockey championship. Others of us became members of the Brunswickan or student government, while still others dedicated their time and efforts collecting donations for the Kosovo refugees and for those suffering from cystic fibrosis. Finally, we cannot forget those who spent their time ensuring that local businesses, including those that serve assorted beverages, did not go out of business. UNB has allowed us to express ourselves as individuals and chart our own course as human beings.

Now on to the “N” in UNB which represents NEW BEGINNINGS. Each and every one of us has the opportunity to do and be whatever we desire. Just as we were four years ago, we are each at a crossroad in our lives. Some of us know exactly where we are going, while others of us have no idea. But regardless of the paths that each of us choose in life, the challenge that I make to each and every one of you is to live the rest of your life which as much energy and happiness and you have had during your time here at UNB. I think that the reason we have all enjoyed university so much is because we have all lived balanced lives. We have all heard people say that university was the best years of their lives. Most often, these are the people who, as they get older, become so engrossed in their work, their commitments, and their finances that they forget about the simple pleasures in life and forget what is really important. They take jobs that they hate, they sacrifice their morals and beliefs to earn that extra buck, and they do not spend time with their family and friends. I think that we can be as happy, if not happier in our later year, as we have been in university if we remember the importance of seeking this balance.

Even though our roles in life will be changing, I like to think that these changes will enhance our lives. We will be the professionals, the rule makers. We are no longer the marginal-we will now be counted as we speak through our educated voices. New beginnings equal new opportunities. Seize the day and these opportunities. Remember, life is short.

Finally, “B” in UNB symbolizes BETTERMENT. UNB, in one way or another, has made each of us better individuals. Our profs, the administration, our parents, families, and friends, through their knowledge, support, dedication, and much needed patience, have guided us along our roller-coaster lives at UNB. As we leave here today, we have the chance to better our workplaces, other institutions that we may attend, our country, province, community, each other, our children, and most importantly, we can continue to better ourselves.

UNB represents our unique experiences, new beginnings, and betterment. As we all leave to further the creation of our destinies, and to fulfill our dreams, whether large or small, remember that life is what we make it. University is the foundation on which we build and UNB has given us the tools to build castles, if we so choose.

Addresses may be reproduced for research purposes only. Publication in whole or in part requires written permission from the author.