2000 Saint John Spring Convocation

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Clarke, George Elliott

"Off Into the World: UNBSJ grads hear words of wisdom from vice-president Rick Miner and renowned poet and scholar George Elliot Clarke" Telegraph-Journal (22 May 2000). (UA Case 67, Box 3)

In a speech called "Aesthetics of Justice," the Nova Scotian-born, U of T English professor told the students that the art of being just must involve not only tolerance and wisdom but also a holistic and inclusive vision of society as a whole.

Reciting the sad history of Blacks in New Brunswick, including the execution of two of his cousins, George and Rufus Hamilton in 1949, Dr. Clarke encouraged the students to fight poverty and injustice.

"I wish you well in your fearless striving and in savouring what will be, doubtless, your astonishing accomplishments. You will establish justice in your own lives as you balance reason and passion, and you will help to implant it more firmly in our society by exercising the blessing of inquiry and by promoting a democratic diversity."

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