2000 Fredericton Encaenia - Ceremony C

Graduation Address

Delivered by: Zewail, Ahmed H.

"UNB honours brilliant chemist 45 years after Linus Pauling addressed UNB, a protégé receives honorary degree – Ceremony C" Daily Gleaner (19 May 2000). (UA Case 67, Box 3)

With all of his accomplishments and accolades, Zewail gave some very simple advice to the UNB graduates of 2000: "do what makes you happy."

"How can we live in the world peacefully with dignity if we simply want to be rich or super rich without tolerating other cultures?" Zewail asked the grads. "I know you all have a great future ahead of you, so do what you love most and remember to help and contribute."

Then, as he gazed out at the smiling pride-filled faces of about 375 graduates, Zewail concluded, "This is brilliance."

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