2002 Saint John Spring Convocation

Valedictory Address

Delivered by: Patino, Sacha Ramon

“Valedictory Address” (May 2002): 1-2. (UA Case 68, Box 2)

Good afternoon, distinguished guests, faculty and administration of UNBSJ, Alumni, family, friends and fellow graduates of the Class of 2002. I am deeply honoured to stand up here before you today, as your valedictorian. This accomplishment is only possible through the support I have had from my fellow classmates. To you all, I say thank you. As the representative of the graduating class there are many things that we would like to address that have made this day possible.

We would like to thank all the professors who have taught and helped us throughout our university career. Your dedication and knowledge that you imparted onto us is invaluable. We are thankful to have been taught by some of the world’s finest right here at UNBSJ. The graduating class would also like to thank our family and friends who have stuck by us through those stressful exams and celebrated with us in our accomplishments during those years. Your support as a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent out on was integral to our development and success here at university. The road often seemed rough and never ending but you were always there and we are deeply indebted to you for all that you have done.

UNBSJ stands different from other universities. This university’s greatest asset is its people. Whether it is the professors, staff and administration or fellow students we are all part of the community that calls UNBSJ home. Everyone plays his/her role to make this the best university in Canada. Many of us graduates have spent the past four years nurtured by the UNBSJ community and now we are finally ready to move on. In addition to the achievement of graduating, we take with us many great experiences and memories that will prepare us for the outside world. The most important thing we have achieved, however are the friendships. I only realized how important they were to us when a few weeks ago I was at a class get together. As I sat amongst my fellow classmates chatting, one particular female student (whose name I will not mention) was feeling a little depressed with the fact that we will all be graduating after four years together and might lose our friendships. I would like to tell Tracey Shearer something (laugh!) These friendships were created in the best of times and are strong enough to weather any storm. These friendships have shaped a part of our lives and will remain with us as long as we live. People helping people, is what makes the difference on our campus. We are truly blessed to have not only students as our friends but also faculty and administration. It is not uncommon to know your professors on a first name basis here at UNBSJ.

The friendships that I have fortunate enough to have made here are the ones that I will cherish forever. These are friendships that sometimes I feel I don’t even deserve. One such friendship that many of us had the fortune of making was that of Barry Hoyt. Even though Barry passed away 3 years ago his friendship still brings many smiles and laughs to us when we think about him. Barry was the type of person that just for knowing him, made you are better person. These are the friendships that UNBSJ is built upon. Barry would have graduated this year with us and it is only fitting that he be recognized today with all the graduates.

To the graduating class of 2002, our day is finally here. This day while it signifies the culmination of our UNBSJ days it also represents more. Today is a reflection of all the hard work and effort that you have put into achieving your diploma. Congratulations on this prestigious day. A wise person once said “Education is one of the few assets that does not depreciate with time”. This is very true. When we leave here today we take away a greater wealth of knowledge than when we came. And as we part with our cherished friendships and valued diplomas, let us never forget the good times we shared. Those days spent in the cafeteria chatting, dancing up a storm at Triple F’s or studying all night together for a final, one thing must be remembered………We are UNBSJ.

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